Search Results for: resume

Resume Templates

Are you looking for a simple resume template to get you started?   Here are a few of the best resume templates for people in the tech field. Click here to download our resume template for candidates with moderate work experience Click here to download our resume template for recent grads with no work experience   Click here to … Read More > Resume Templates

Use This Checklist Before Posting Your Technical Resume

Most IT professionals don’t enjoy writing or updating resumes.  Besides the fact that writing resumes is an inherently unpleasant activity, technical resumes can be even more difficult.  IT recruiters find that many candidates struggle with the balance between providing enough detail for technically-savvy readers and so much detail that managers and technical recruiters feel like … Read More > Use This Checklist Before Posting Your Technical Resume

Why You Should Update Your Resume—Even if You’re Not Looking for a New IT Job

Even if you’re not looking for new IT jobs, you should still take 15 minutes to update your resume.  What’s the point?  Especially in tech, passive candidates get offered interesting opportunities all the time.  According to a 2015 survey from LinkedIn, around 60% of companies recruit passive candidates.  There are a few reasons why IT … Read More > Why You Should Update Your Resume—Even if You’re Not Looking for a New IT Job