Search Results for: resume

Is Your IT Resume Mobile Ready?

In today’s world, searching for IT jobs requires more than just polishing your resume and printing it on nice paper for IT recruiters.  Especially if you’re trying to attract IT recruiting firms, it’s important to make sure your resume is adapted for a more digital world. Here’s how to make sure your resume can be most attractive to … Read More > Is Your IT Resume Mobile Ready?

1 Way to Improve Your IT Resume

Here’s one straightforward way you can improve your resume to attract more IT recruiters and hiring managers: replace every bullet that starts with ‘responsible for’ with a professional achievement. Why aren’t ‘responsible for’ statements on your resume as attractive to IT staffing firms?  Because these statements simply tell IT recruiting companies what the description is/was … Read More > 1 Way to Improve Your IT Resume

Leave This Off Your IT Resume!

When you polish up your resume to attract IT staffing firms, you may be tempted to create fancy tables or graphs to show your technical proficiencies or achievements.  Perhaps you’ve even heard that these kinds of elements might make you stand out to IT recruiting firms and hiring managers.  This is terrible advice, though.  Here’s … Read More > Leave This Off Your IT Resume!