Tag Archives: typing skills

Getting Millennials and Generation X to work together

Some argue that the Internet was the single most important invention of the 20th century.  Businesses have computers for every employee (IT recruiting firms often provide both a desktop and a laptop for their IT recruiters).  It is the backbone that drives today’s businesses and economy.

Millennials grew up using computers.  Because of this, most of the generation has strong typing skills and extensive computer knowledge.  Therefore, anyone born prior is obviously at a disadvantage.

The emergence of social media has compounded this generational gap.  IT recruiting companies are now posting all of their IT jobs on Twitter and Facebook pages.  However, to most Generation X’s, this is still foreign to them…ultimately pushing the generational gap farther apart from a technology perspective.

Therefore, our advice for Generation X is to embrace technology.  Take some classes or try to find someone who can teach you computer basics.  Break free from your comfort zone and create accounts onTwitter and Facebook.  You don’t need to be an expert immediately – simply start using these sights at your own pace.  IT recruiting companies are depending upon these sites more and more.  If you’re not using them, the right IT jobs may pass you by.

And for Millennials, have some patience.  At some point, each of us may be facing the same apprehensions or fears.  Time flies and you never know what new technology is lurking around the corner!