Tag Archives: hiring companies

What Not to Wear to IT Job Interviews

You have heard it before: it matters deeply what you wear to an interview.  Now that you have your outfit together, are you breaking one of the interviewing apparel taboos?  Take a second look at your outfit and accessories. Make sure you aren’t sending some inappropriate messages with your choices!


Unless you are trying out for the Red Sox, avoid any head gear.  For the ladies, put away your flashy earrings and tone down the makeup.  Plan out your hair style the night before the interview.  It might sound crazy, but what could take you only five minutes of styling may trip you up if you try something different.   


Get that suit tailored!  Nothing looks worse than an ill fitting outfit.  It can also affect your confidence.  You do not need to buy a whole new wardrobe!  Look to your closet and touch up some of your business clothes.  You will have a new look and feel more comfortable with clothes that fit well.

Cover up those shoulders, too.  Often, some interviewers mistake clubbing attire for business professional apparel.  If you have to question it, put it back.  The same goes with any type of sweat shirt material.


Skirts that are too short belong in the club, not the IT recruiting office.  Wear nylons with your skirt.  A brand new pair is recommended to avoid runs or embarrassing holes.  Never wear lounge pants, no matter how laid back IT recruiting companies may seem.  Jeans are also a taboo when interviewing.  Remember, you always want to dress a bit more professionally than how you perceive hiring companies.  This will save you and IT staffing companies any potential embarrassment or mistakes.


Flip flops are never socially acceptable when interviewing with technical recruiting companies.  Wear closed toe dress shoes or pumps, not sneakers.  If you feel uncomfortable in high heels, do not wear them.   Dressy flats are fine. Your feet will also thank you later!


Leave the backpack at home and pick up a briefcase to carry your portfolio.  Be mindful of your perfume and cologne, as the technical recruiters and hiring managers may have sensitive noses.  You do not want to be known as the smelly interviewer, either, so practice good hygiene!

IT Staffing: Seeing Candidates Through Rose Tinted Glasses

Most technical recruiters admit to having a choice contractor and play favorites whether it be their first placement or IT contractors with similar interests.  While it is great to find the good and positive in others, are some IT recruiting firms seeing candidates through rose tinted glasses?  Before a technical recruiter recommends him for other assignments, he should focus on the candidate’s actual work performance and goals.  They may be putting the contractor before more qualified individuals for open IT jobs.


It is acceptable to have a friendly relationship with candidates, but IT recruiters should keep their work relationships professional.  IT staffing firms should not let their candidates take advantage of them based on friendships.  Treat contractors with the same amount of respect as any hiring managers or other clients and expect the same from him.  If he asks for honest feedback, avoid sugarcoating information by providing him with the truth, especially if he is unfit match for an open position.


When a hiring manager makes suggestions for improvement in a candidate’s performance, do not take it personally or make excuses for him.  Technical recruiting companies should coach their candidates on ways to make the most of assignments and expand experience.  The more they learn, the more experienced they will be for potential, future placements.

Open to New Candidates

If candidates are more qualified than a favorite IT contractor, do not punish prospective candidates and hiring companies for a favorite.  Be open to networking and expanding client bases by meeting with new contractors.

IT recruiting requires mutual respect throughout the relationship.  By favoring another contractor over others, the IT recruiting company is not being fair to some who may be more qualified.  Rather than letting personal preference become involved, focus on the outcome of the placement.