Tag Archives: IT Hire Intelligence Survey

IT Jobs Starting to Heat Up

Like most every industry, the IT job market has been hit hard over the past year and a half.  However, the economy has been showing signs of life.  IT staffing agencies have been reporting a steady increase in hiring among clients.  IT recruiters can no longer find 3-5 candidates for every position.  Instead they’re finding more and more people employed or those with multiple irons in the fire.  Although this makes the IT recruiting job more difficult, these are certainly great signs for the economy.

According to the 2010 IT Hire Intelligence Survey, which was carried out by Monster.com, around 78 percent of the companies who participated are saying that they will be hiring for many positions within the next six months.

In the survey, “of the companies planning to hire, only 26 percent are new openings and only 9 percent are replacement positions”.  This obviously means that there will be new types of IT jobs available.  In addition, IT recruiting agencies will continue to heat up, as companies will not be able to fill all their positions on their own.  In fact, IT staffing agencies have recently started to hire more IT recruiters – an obvious sign that they are receiving more jobs from their clients.

There is finally light at the end of the tunnel.  Although there are still a number of people unemployed, the IT job market is heading in the right direction.  Our advice is to continue to be active on the job search.  Post and refresh your resume on the job boards, utilize LinkedIn for networking and contact as many IT staffing agencies as possible to cast as many lines in the water.  Something will bite….soon.