Tag Archives: IT job search


As a job seeker actively looking for an IT job, you are constantly sending out resumes and emails to hiring managers or IT recruiters working for IT staffing agencies.  In order to make sure that your email or resume is not disregarded, make sure that you proofread for any typos and grammatical errors.  Hiring managers want to go through a resume quickly without having to interpret what you meant to write.

By proofreading everything you send to a hiring manager or IT recruiter, they will be able to get through your documents and better see what IT skills you have.  The IT staffing industry is fast-paced and IT recruiters want to find the right prospective candidate for the IT job quickly.  By facilitating the process, you are giving yourself a better chance at that IT job.

Most importantly, by not proofreading your resume, you hurt your chances of landing that perfect IT job.  Take it from this IT recruiter who has had more than one client disqualify one of our candidates due to errors in the resume, proofreading is critically important.  Always put your best foot forward during the IT job search.  Don’t let someone disqualify you because you didn’t take the extra couple of minutes to proofread.