Tag Archives: technical recruiters NY

IT Recruiters Weather The Storm – Literally

While the northeast has been pounded with wind, rain and now even snow, many businesses and industries have come to a virtual stand-still over past two weeks.  Some IT recruiting companies have even been shut down.  Luckily for IT recruiters, it isn’t critical their IT staffing office be open.  Technical recruiters just need to find a place with power, internet and a phone (with the latter being the least important).  In today’s information technology age, with most VMS, ATS and job boards being web-based, IT recruiters CA can virtual do the exact same job from any computer.

When Hurrican Sandy pounded the northeast, many IT recruiters Boston and technical recruiters NY amandoned their powerless homes to friends or family upstate or inland who had power.  While the health and safety is of foremost concern after a natural disaster, returning to normalcy (and even work) is important once clean up begins.  For people who working in the technical recruiting industry, this will not take long.  It’s their clients, many of which who may have structural damage, that they need to worry about.