Tag Archives: IT job description

Add IT Key Words to your Resume

IT recruiters go through resume after resume to find keywords that will match the IT job description.  Therefore, it’s important for prospective IT candidates to include as many key words in their resumes as possible.

For example, if you’re a Software Engineer, be sure to add all of the development languages and tools that you have experience with (obviously without fabricating).  By doing so, your resume will be more likely to be found by IT recruiters.

If an IT staffing firm receives a new IT job order for a VB.NET Developer who has experience developing code that will sit a SQL Server database.  Subsequently, their IT recruiters are likely going to search “VB.NET and developer and SQL Server.”  If you didn’t list the different programming languages, as well as various databases, your resume would not come up in the IT recruiter’s search.

How to keep your IT job search on track

Looking for an IT job is a daunting task.  You are constantly worried about finding an IT job description that you fit and making sure you have the qualifications.  It isn’t easy and there are many distractions.

Here are a few tips from our IT recruiters about find a job in the Information Technology Industry:

1. Keep track of the IT jobs


When searching through different websites you will end up applying to the same IT job if they appear in different search engines.  Therefore, be sure to keep track to each that you apply to.

2. Don’t Double Submit

If you’re working with various IT staffing agencies, communicate what IT jobs you have applied to so they don’t double submit your resume.  This looks bad for everyone.

3. Organize your IT job searching time

Throughout your entire search, IT recruiters suggest allotting a certain amount of time to each task.  You should divide it up in searching for IT jobs, applying to the IT jobs, and preparing documents for applications and submissions.  If you do not divvy up your free time, then you might spend too much time on one task.

4. Follow up

Keep a spreadsheet of all the IT jobs that you applied to, then mark the date.  Follow up with the contact person once a week with a call or an email.  If you’re utilizing an IT recruitment firm, then follow up with your respective IT recruiter.  Hint, if you don’t have a contact person’s name, try to find a profile on Linkedin.

We hope these tips help you find that ideal IT job.  If you need more help in your IT job search, call an IT staffing agency such as AVID Technical Resources.  They’ll put you in touch with a qualified IT recruiter to assist with your search and set you on the right path.

Experiences from our IT recruiter Intern

This summer we hired 3 interns to help us out with recruiting information technology candidates.  We went through the interview process and identified the right candidates for our IT recruiting internship program.  They seemed to be a good fit with our company culture and appeared to have the drive/motivation.  Looking back, we were right.  Each has proved to us they have the skills and qualities to be a successful recruiter in the IT staffing industry.

Now that the summer is coming to an end, our interns chose to tell us about their experience working as an IT recruiter for one of the fastest growing IT staffing companies in the country.

He summarized his experience like this:

1. People Skills

Having people skills is a factor that helps talking to prospective candidates about the different IT job opportunities you have available.  An IT recruiter needs to know how to connect with a candidate on a personal level to make them feel comfortable and willing to listen to what you have to say.

2. Cold Calling

An IT recruiter will receive many applications to job postings, but in the end, you will need to go digging through a resume database for some candidates that fit the IT job description

3. Phone manners

IT recruiters need to work on their phone manners, especially when you are constantly working with prospective candidates.  Acting in a professional manner will always help keep the candidate interested and comfortable.

4. Hard Work

In order to succeed you need to put in the time and effort.  Nothing is free in life and you need to work hard to get the results you want.  Finding the right candidate is not as easy as picking a name out of a hat.  An IT recruiter has to search through databases and applications to find candidates who will fit the IT job description, as well as the culture in the company.

Overall, our IT recruiter interns felt that they learned valuable lessons from working in the IT staffing Industry.