Tag Archives: IT recruiters Los Angeles

The Top Rated ATS Systems for IT Recruiting Companies

Applicant tracking systems, or ATS, are critical to the success of IT recruiters and IT staffing companies.  Given the sheer abundance of IT recruiting firms, more and more companies are developing ATS systems and even their own CRM that eventually get packaged and sold out of the box to IT staffing firms.  There are numerous ATS systems out there, IT recruiting companies need to test drive each and identify the one that meets their needs.

In order for IT recruiting companies Boston to set up their IT recruiters Boston for success,  here are some of the key components that IT staffing agencies should consider:

1)  Resume search:  Your data is only valuable if your IT recruiters San Diego can find the resumes.  One of the most important parts of an ATS, make sure the candidate search is strong.

2)  Relational database:  In today’s technical world, most ATS’ should have the ability to tie all emails and activity to both the client contact and the candidate’s.  By doing so, it cuts down the time it takes IT recruiters Los Angeles to search for information – thus saving time and money.

3) Mass mail capabilities:  Send an email message to thousands of contacts with just one click of the button.  This feature should be standard with Applicant Tracking Systems.  Make sure the one you choose has this capability if your technical recruiters like the idea of mass mailing information technology candidates or IT managers.

4)  Crawlers:  This is a key bonus to any ATS as it help build your resume database virtually around the clock.  The only drawback for technical recruiting firms is the fact that most job boards will give you a max amount of resume views so you could burn these allotment up very quickly.

5)  Support:  No ATS is perfect and most IT recruiting companies MA want to customize their system based on the needs of their technical recruiters Boston.  Therefore, make sure your ATS has unlimited support.

Tailor Your Resume For Each IT Job!

Imagine IT recruiters, HR or IT managers sorting through dozens and dozens of resumes for each IT job.  If you put yourself in their shoes, you’d be more aware of the importance of a nice clean resume….and one that bleeds the position you’re hiring for.  Prospective candidates who send one standard template resume for all IT jobs and to all IT recruiting companies are not setting themselves up for success.  Remember, not all IT recruiters Boston or HR professionals are technical.  Therefore, make sure you tailor your resume towards that technical job you’re applying to.  For example, if you’re a developer with Microsoft .NET experience, and you’re applying to a .NET developer role, change your title from “Software Engineer” to “.NET Developer.”  Once again, your resume should bleed the IT job (without fabrication of course).

IT recruiting firms generally recommend using bullets with a short, precise description of your IT job duties.  These bullets should also mirror the technical position.  Add as many of the technologies that the IT recruiting company or client requires.  Also utilizes a “Skills & Technologies” section in your resume to make sure all of your technical experience is included (and thus ensures your resume pops up in any IT job search that IT recruiters San Diego or technical recruiters Los Angeles put into their search on Monster, Dice or Careerbuilder).

IT recruiters CA look through hundreds of resumes each day for their various technical jobs.  Remember, the ones that stand out are the resumes that are clean, clear and hit as many of their key words as possible that were entered into their search.

Monster: Still the Premiere Resume & IT Job Board

IT staffing companies across the country rely heavily upon technical job boards such as Monster, Dice, CareerBuilder and Linkedin.  IT recruiters Boston have their favorites, their go-to sites, to find information technology professionals.  After discussions with many IT recruiting agencies and their technical recruiters, there is one site that still remains the premier IT job board:  Monster.

Monster still dominates the resume database and IT job posting industry and is far and away the leading resource for IT recruiting companies.  While Dice has carved out a strong IT niche, CareerBuilder is a distant competitor.  Ultimately, from the perspective of technical recruiters, if the candidate has their technical resume posted on CareerBuilder, he or she also has it posted on Monster.  Therefore, for IT staffing firms, why pay the cost for both Monster and CareerBuilder?

One site that is gaining momentum and closing the competitive gap is Linkedin.  While Linkedin is not a traditional resume database, it ultimately is becomming a stronger and stronger search tool for IT recruiters Los Angeles.

Ultimately, from fiscally strong IT staffing agencies to single person IT recruiting firms, the best spend of our IT recruiting job board budget is Monster.  If you have the budget, invest in a Linkedin upgrade for your IT recruiters.